Friday, November 19, 2010

Websites - for absolute beginners

Chances are, if you read this, you're thinking about building your website from a template or a web site do-it-yourself or any other similar site.

Well, if you're an experienced web designer and programmer, the knowledge and tools available, and know the inner workings of how the Internet with websites, email and server, so do not bother reading this. Good on you and practice!

If you're like the rest of us who were not born with a mousein our hands, and never had any training (less formal), in technology, but perhaps smart enough to figure it out eventually, but only have a website for your company or organization, then read on.

It seems that long ... but believe me - This is for your own good.

What you should have.

Domain Name

A domain name is your address in the virtual world called the Internet. But the fact is that never get to own. It's always rent. If you do not pay the rent in time, there is no grace period. That name is now fair game, and someone else can take. The process of payment of this "rent" your domain name is called innovation.

Think like Google not to renew their domain name and someone else took it. Google no more. So you must remember to renew or someone you love and remember. Keep in mind that this rent just to rent the address and the address is mobile. Can be moved from server hosting hosting> Server.

This brings me to my next point.

Server Hosting

This server can be compared to an apartment complex. And like all the condos, you have to pay the rent for an apartment. In this building there is a list of port addresses or domain names. For each of these addresses is considered an apartment where a site is hosted. And like I said, you have to pay the rent for the apartment.

What ifwebsite?

Also on the Internet, type the address just heard was "under construction"? This is the server that hosts it says "Yes, okay, but not ready to fall again." Why do I say "down"? Because this is basically what happens. The website is hosted by the server, and back to your computer before you even get to see. You never actually get to enter the hosting server. Unless you're a cracker Course, which brings the issue of security. Make sure your website in the apartment buzzer, guard and steel fence, and not just an open door.

But the real question is: can a domain name, a website and a computer that hosts and which are not yet functional. No one knows how to reach you. Unless you have registered your domain name or the address of a Domain Name Server.

DNS Domain Name Server

Domain Name> Server is a computer that is basically a taxi that had a big huge book full of addresses or domains. Someone tell the driver where they want to go. He looks at his book and brings them to the server hosting the website they are looking for is located. They get to the website, take it "home" on your computer only to find a book.


All books have pages. It would be a page of a book. Both the Home Page and will coverthe index. And the index, the list of chapters, such as about us, products / services, and contacts. And, as some books, each chapter has its own nationals. Take for example the products. Let's say you flip on the product page in the book. There's the product page of materials listed as hammers, nails, wood, etc. And each topic can have its own page, you can flip the description of the theme. Of all the parties may be right onProducts page. And like most books, the pages of text and photos. All of these pages. And as such, this is what a website.

The only difference is that it is electronic. U instead of turning over pages, text and moving images and, at times. Keep in mind, if you are trying to use a template, you get a box. Not a book. A box full of text and photos. This is important to know when you'll see a little '.

This is what you really needTo get your site found and displayed on the Internet. The website should have rented a place, and must have a specified address. And before you can view a list, you must address to register with the recruitment of good and secure it before someone else. By the way, look at this description is not e-mail. This is a different story.

Yes, you have to have a website:

1. Domain Name
2. Server Hosting
3. DNS Server
4. Website.

But what you need?

What you need to have.

Email Servers

Think of a mail server like a room with a bunch of mailboxes. Now that the room is a completely different building itself as a post office. Or it could be a space on the server that hosts the mailboxes as the lower floor of a building as you walk in the door.

However, mailboxes are not included inWeb site hosting or domain name servers, you get paid. Sometimes it's free. Sometimes it is extra. However, this is all a mail server is a place where mail can be picked up or shipped. If your web site address in that apartment building [] mail is addressed to you in your apartment and website will be delivered to the mailbox or post office down. If your email program will pick upand deliver to you.

Remember, the mail server is simply a box. 'S useless, unless someone picks up the mail you want to make or deliver the mail box addressed to you.

Someone a mail program.

E-mail Program

Who usually provides the mail? A postman. This is what a mail program, e-mail, and electronic postman. More specifically, the computer program designed to provide e-mail back and forth from the mail server (mailbox) for e-mailServer (mailbox). Keep in mind that no part of the site.

Site Maintenance

Basically this is the maintenance man in the building. He is responsible for any updates or changes to the comprehensive website. He is also responsible for ensuring that the site remains accessible. This is called uptime. He must act as landlord, and keep track of your holiday! Make sure the cancellation has not expired Domain Name Registration, etc. in order to avoid


In practice, the boy's maintenance of the website and as a matter of whether the mail is treated in the same location as the site was the same man. But remember, this can also be separated.

Because the tasks are separated. Because he does the works mailboxes, the mail is working, and everyone has an email address that is believed to be an e-mail.

Stat tracking

These reports provide data about how manypeople came to the site, and where they are, where they had left and how long was there is gone. Something like a really curious receptionist at the apartment.

SEO Search Engine Optimization

In principle, this site was built with, someone who can be found on Google, Yahoo, etc. Let one example from the book. Imagine being entered into a library and went to the index book. Remember him? And you were looking for a book in the index but could not find it.The book can be on the shelf with all the other thousands of books, but if it is not listed in the index would have never happened, unless you have the chance to stumble upon it while browsing through the times.

For our purposes, the library and the Internet, the search engine index. You can book on the shelf, but the index unless it is built-friendly will never be included in the index. This is part of what is SEO. Build the website so that it can be absorbedand / or found by the search engine. But it is only the first part.

Library indexes are arranged in alphabetical order. But what if it was organized by popularity? The most popular book, the higher the index goes. This is the other part of SEO. And a website should be designed for optimal performance in search engines, which called Search Engine Optimization.

Now, remember when I said that a model is a profession and not a book? Put your idea here. There are boxeslibrary shelves? Oh no, the boxes in the Library / Internet, but are usually kept in the back and will never be found in the index. The idea?

So, what do you need a website:

1. Server e-mail
2. E-mail program,
3. The maintenance of the site
4. E-mail service
5. Stat tracking,
6. SEO.

What do you want for your website to be successful in reality.

Negotiable Design

A web site should be the design, layout,functions and optimizing the target audience and prospects. If a person is looking for an adventure book, you probably will not even plan to open what looks like a dictionary.

Oriented Product Design

Website should be designed with a particular product if it was assigned an employee of your organization. The difference is that the site is an employee 24 / 7 working to deliver its product to your overall goal.

The three main reasons for having aWebsite:

1. Expected. There are two worlds. The real world and virtual world. As a company, they both have.

2. You must bring the traffic you want, whether it be sales, leads, customers, partners, etc. ..

3. The most important fact. Increases the effectiveness of current marketing. If you stationery, postcards, television commercials, business cards, newspaper ads and so, your website should be all about them. At 08:00 PMWhen your customer your promo, who else is there for them, providing information, their communication sent to you, take orders, sign, give them hours or directions, view pictures, tell them about your rave reviews, etc. ?

Target Oriented Design

Website should be designed for a common purpose based on what you should do. There are only five different types of website goals.

1. Sales. The same website to sell products. that is, onlineshop.

2. Services. The site contains a list of services offered and provide contact information.

3. Leads. The site provides information and generate leads for sellers.

4. PR. The site provides general information about the organization, promotes good works and publish them.

5. Instructional. The website educates ordinary.

Now your website can be a combination of these, but there is always a goal that must prevail.

So make sure that all Have,Necessary, and for the above are expressly included in your website.

I'm sure if you're a first timer and are on a budget you look at the "Build It Yourself" websites similar model to cost about as much for a steak dinner. But not really.

Let's say you wanted to buy a car and the dealer said:! "Great is the gearshift in a car with front pocket We give you the right parts and you can easily build yourself course, musttrain as a mechanic, but this is easy! Oh. You do not have the tools? Well this is extra. "So buy some tools from the man. Only to discover that the tools are not only poor but also not enough to finish the job." Oh. Want a bike? Well this is more. "So you buy the engine. Of course you should be able to install the engine." Oh. Do you want a transmission? Well this is an option. "

She bought the car and, of course, you need to reinstall themselves, using theOf course I'm a trained technician who knows how to use the tools you bought. "Oh. You want a wheel?" You get the idea. By the time you finish you have enough money to purchase a Cadillac paid and you are left at the helm of a breakdown, gas-guzzling, oil burning, primers, held together Yugo / Nash / Pinto with a couple of squirrels under the hood that can get around the block.

In comparison, looking for a professional company that offers a new midsize sedan at the expensesub-compact, with all the above features included. And doing so can be easily added on piece by piece as your organization grows until finally you have a Lamborghini. Did I mention that all you have to do is just turn the key? It would be nice would not?

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