Friday, December 3, 2010

Example: How Website Monitoring Saved an Online Auto Parts Dealer

PROBLEM: Customers complaining about site outages and slow response times on the site. Hosting company says the problems have been solved. Our customers are dissatisfied.

METHODOLOGY: External monitoring on a page by page based on one-minute intervals identified problems.

SOLUTIONS: rationalization of shared hosting, fixing database indexing, DNS server upgrade by changing the web host's BGP configuration and regular websitemonitoring.

Once seen as an alternative marketing channel, online shopping has carved its own niche market. The online shopping sector has grown rapidly, exceeding other sectors and opening new business opportunities. Factors contributing to the continued growth of online shopping with a wide range of products, convenience, lower prices and the availability of clear product. Recent investments in companies and large e-commerceA little more excitement in the sector and strengthen its roots.

This growth is not always easy. Although most shopping sites feel they have to get rid of persistent growing pains, some remain. A recent Andersen Consulting Services survey showed that more than 25 percent of the online shopping experience, not during holiday periods at the site of failure. Another study by NPD Group shows that up to 23 percent of online shoppers still experience temporary interruption website to leaveshipments, and customer service problems.

Dotcom-Monitor web site specializes in network monitoring to ensure the operation and performance in online transaction processing, including shopping carts, sign-in form submission. By simulating end use actions, verifies every step within a transaction, not only for the right content, but also for the services requested. If a test parameters fall outside the range specified, the personnel responsible for notification.

ADotcom-Monitor's recent clients, a leading online retailer of auto parts, approached Dotcom-Monitor with concern about performance issues Web site. Even after aggressive marketing campaigns, this retailer of brand components is a considerable drop in their business online. Customers constantly complain about site outages and slow response times on the site. Despite repeated complaints by the IT department to the ASP provider and reassurances from the hosting company that the problems wereresolved, customers remained dissatisfied.

Making a potential disaster for their business online, the IT department in search of third party service provider for their party control of e-commerce site 24 / 7 monitoring and identification of issues and dependencies that were causing interruptions website.

After a minute check every day for 7 days following problems were identified:

1. slow response of the Site
Report Dotcom-Monitor 'hours of "feature quickly discoveredproblems of poor performance. The crop minute performance was aggregated on an hourly basis in a weekly report. This report summary statistics on the transaction time. Information such as average response time (in seconds), the time required to access the site, and the number of successes and failures, provided a clear picture about site performance during different daily intervals. Using Dotcom Monitor patented algorithm, it was possible to calculatethe slow reaction times to the site. Dotcom-Monitor shows that although the e-commerce site hosted on a shared server, mostly during a few hours in a day, other applications on the server consumes most of its resources. This led to the slow response of the site. This happened only at certain times, such as applying to the conflict was only carried out on a couple of times a day.

2. Slow response Web
The retailer's IT department also found that different pages within atransaction, such as the maritime history and "Print Invoice" has been very slow. It took a long period of loading, allowing buyers to the site to leave and instead call the customer service. Unfortunately, the other pages within the same transaction was very quick to load. Contribution to this discrepancy in the network, Dotcom-Monitor was able to identify the specific pages that were slow and online traced the problem to the database table to access these pages have been identified. Once it was a good indexingimplemented, the problem is resolved.

3. Problem of access to the Site
At certain times in one day, the retailer's site was completely inaccessible. Some services such as mail servers, web sites and proxy servers will not be available to the online world. To make matters worse, the ISP without problems, but customers were still complaining. After a game of ping pong "to determine what problems exist between providers and customers, Dotcom Monitor enables its"DNS Monitoring." Dotcom-Monitor server tested the dealer executing some query DNS servers every minute, the monitoring of the site revealed that a DNS server at times unable to cope with the problems. This meant that the DNS server to support the organization did not work consistently. The dealer updated the DNS server and the problem is resolved.

4. Site feedback ranging from differentGeographic location
Continuous monitoring has shown that this site shopping cart dealer responded at different speeds from different locations. Some customers complained that the site is open for too long, while others had no problems. Using Dotcom-Monitor "location report" feature, which data from multiple remote agents in various locations collects a traceroute snapshot was recorded. This report was accompanied by a message from any delay wasdetected. After analyzing the data, the ISP was found that the site uses multiple suppliers who are not quite sure with the peer hosting. This problem was identified and peering network with the ISP. They took the necessary steps to resolve the problem by changing their BGP configuration.

5. Frequent monitoring of the site downtime
The website of the dealer from time to time suffer downtime, resulting in customer dissatisfaction. The decrease was largelyrelated to software defects that the customer was not able to establish in a short period of time. These defects usually required manual intervention. Enter Dotcom-Monitor. The goal was to cut down immediately alert key personnel of any problem. Once website monitoring finds any problems with the Web, instant alert via phone and SMS will be sent to on-call personnel. This downtime reduced by an average of 25 minutes to less than 5 minutes.

In the currenthighly competitive environment, customer expectations about the availability of the website and the services are growing every day. What started as acceptable a few years ago is no longer the case. Website monitoring functions, such as direct alerts, detailed reports and aggregate statistics, helping customers find and problems, and so the customer experience.

external website monitoring service offered by companies such as Dotcom-Monitor has helped clients explore the issues andDiscover otherwise elusive information you need to take corrective action before receiving customer complaints. to extend services to all sectors. It 'important to note that the services of site monitoring are a must for all critical services, and are not just limited to the current example of the shopping cart customer. In areas such as finance, insurance, medical and manufacturing or an industry with high uptime and an excellent web site of the response,It is becoming essential for remote monitoring services of the site.

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Recreation DNS Host from the export file in a Microsoft DNS server

The following script is designed to add hosts, a list of exported and host IP addresses that originated from outside the area of a DNS server, Microsoft DNS server DNS particular area.

The basic functions of the script:
AddDNSHost.vbs CScript / DNS Server: DNS Server / DNSZone: DNSZone / hostname: Hostname / hostip: hostip

It's an example:
AddDNSHost.vbs / DNS Server: / DNSZone: DNSZone.local / hostname: this computer/ Hostip:

A very simple way to build more commands can be accessed from any application spreadsheet where column A contains the list of host names, column B, to keep their IP addresses respected and column C, the following command ( line 1):

= "AddDNSHost.vbs / DNS Server: / DNSZone: DNSZone.local / hostname:" & A1 & "/ hostip:" & B1

The above command can be copied only once for each row. The resulting command is constructedimmediately be pasted into a command prompt

'* * * * * * * * * * * Start of AddDNSHost.vbs * * * * * * * * * * *

On Error Resume Next

strDNSServer Wscript.Arguments.Named = ("DNS Server")
strDNSZone Wscript.Arguments.Named = ("DNSZone)
strHostName Wscript.Arguments.Named = ("host")
strHostIP Wscript.Arguments.Named = ("hostip)

If Len (Trim (strDNSServer))> 0 and Len (Trim (strDNSZone))> 0 and Len (Trim (strHostName))> 0 and Len (Trim (strHostIP))>0 Then
If Right (UCase (strHostName), Len (strDNSZone) + 1) "." & UCase (strDNSZone) Then
strHostName strHostName = & "." & StrDNSZone
End If
intRecordClass = 1
intTTL = 600

strComputer = "."
September objWMIService = GetObject ("winmgmts: {impersonationLevel = impersonate}" & strComputer & "rootMicrosoftDNS)
September objWMIService.Get objItem = (MicrosoftDNS_AType)
intReturn objItem.CreateInstanceFromPropertyData = (strDNSServer, strDNSZone,strHostName, intRecordClass, intTTL, strHostIP)
If Err.Number = 0 and = 0 Then intReturn
StrHostName & WScript.Echo vbTab & "Added"
StrHostName & WScript.Echo vbTab & "Failed"
End If
End If

'* * * * * * * * * * * Start of AddDNSHost.vbs * * * * * * * * * * *

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Online E-mail Server Test

The spam problem is growing. With the increase in spam, there is a proliferation of technologies for blocking spam.

Five years ago, implementing a solution for e-mail is as easy as choosing your favorite MTA (Postfix, Qmail, Sendmail, Exchange Server or Lotus Domino) and configure a static IP.

Now, if you do the same (and more), it is very likely to encounter problems with e-mail address of some agency or another. AntiSPAM technology used by the receiver will decide that your spam e-mail and e-mail will be returned, or worse, land in the spam folder (and removed from the receiver without checking!)

Since none of the anti-spam technologies are dominant, are different technologies used by different e-mail server. This means that your e-mail can be considered as SPAM e-mail from different servers for different reasons. Sometimes your e-mail can be considered as SPAM from the same e-mailserver cites different reasons at different times.

If your organization is large enough, you can use the "All my other emails are fine, though, so the problem is on your side" logic and bully the other E-manager to disable all the anti-spam take.

But if the recipient is a bigger entity, the opposite view would be thrown at you ("We are receiving emails from all, so you better make your e-mail server). This is a nightmaresituation of an administrator e-mail and this is when you need to learn all the anti-spam technologies.

Usually most of the mail delivery problems caused by these anti-spam technologies.

Check HELO greetings
Reverse DNS Check
Domain Keys
SpamAssassin content controls
BATV (Bounce Address Tag Validation)
There are other not so widely used that technology can play in a few cases, and if youthat, Good luck!

Previously you had to do the routine tests referred to above, and as a result of the techniques above to see a problem. An online test server and solves this problem by automating the entire process. All you have to do is an email address to send a test e-mail.

Email Server receiver analyzes the e-mail servers, e-mail and its properties and provides a report with details of your e-mail server of respectall the technologies mentioned above.

See Also : Inspection Mirror Audio Integrated Amplifier Sennheiser Headsets

As the data from one to another with no loss of Hosting

1. Make a complete copy of the website

Use your favorite FTP site manager for a computer to upload. Probably not all the files on a hard drive because you could add some script from the Internet. If you use Dreamweaver editor to use GET command for all files. If you are using FrontPage, according to 'import' use to copy an entire site of an old site.

2. Select a new provider

3. Transfer your domain

Contact your companyregistered the domain name and change the DNS (Domain Name Server) or information on the server information in DNS name on the new web hosting. Some time the site is not available to users, while a process of changing the DNS information and the new DNS server on the planet continues WHOIS (who is who). It usually takes about 24-72 hours to observe the process. The site until the transfer is complete, save all existing servicesfrom an old domain name, such as forwarding e-mail, current address and web site hosting. This is important for the site to work. To see how the process of transfer of the domain name you can use the service called Domain Name Search You can watch the entire account if the domain is already transferred.

4. Upload all the files on a server to a new web host

If you are convinced that the domain name has already beentransferred to upload the files to a server site for a new web hosting. Editor-in Dreamweaver first definition of a site, use the PUT command to all files and Web pages to carry. So the site will not change during the file transfer. FrontPage - create a new site of the transferred files from an old web-hosting, and upload to a server to a new web hosting. Make sure the new web hosting is using Front Page extensions file.Then you do a transfer of a new web hosting site.

5. Web hosting on a new

Dreamweaver and FrontPage editor to transfer web pages with ease. During the transition, the site is exposed to almost no change. One way of web pages transferring files from one code to the first page when you right click as select "HTML review" button. Then the text was transferred to the Notepad text editor. Then select "Save Target As" and save the file in theHTML in the right place. Before you save the file in HTML format, at the end of a line will be. "Txt. From the drop-down menu, you will need" all files "and change the extension of a saved file. Html, and then save the file. After receiving a complete web page and you can load when needed. However, if the page contains tabs, you must store them separately.

6. Edit Website

Sometimes aappearance may differ from the previous site on the web-hosting, because not all files can be transferred. Something can happen when editors used. It often happens when you work with Front Page Editor, because it uses its own extensions to the allocation site (additional files for the simple assignment). Make the necessary changes to the design of a site is to act as if he were a former Web hosting. You will probably need to remove or modify the code before re-first site entirely.

7. Test site

Once the domain name and all files were transferred to a new web-hosting, you should check all the services ability to work for a new web hosting (such as email services, etc.). If all the services are working normally, continue to refuse service to a former web hosting.

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