Wednesday, September 29, 2010

DNS Propagation Explained - or why you wait 72 hours

So you found a perfect domain name that had not yet been taken to find out how to subscribe, pay for hosting (leasing space to put all the files to be publicly accessed as web pages to save) with a WHP - aka Web Hosting Provider (as and even upload your website to the WHP's servers, or was it a professional design company to create a website for you.

Well, it seems that the results of your hard work, spending your money and the headaches that you are trying totechnological significance of all the speeches has been empty? Why can not immediately see your website - after all, this is the promise of e-commerce age is't? Hey, when paying by credit card, which was found soon! And 'no one really cares about customer service? And what is this nonsense "spread" that the technicians tried to cheat with?

Your new web hosting providers with a lemon? Got a big mistake choosing it?

All this must be very frustrating unless you understand how things work. In the following paragraphs I will try to demystify the process of propagation of the DNS, saying in plain English, what DNS propagation is, how it works and why it is the only thing we have to speed up the process. ... wait.

DNS stands for Domain Name Server. I know that the word server is intimidating and you think "oh sure, another article written in technicalese. Think of aServer> like a normal computer, such as the one you're using to read this. That's right! Your lover may be a computer server. We ask for a computer, a server, if the machine is running and providing a service ("where" something, or a web page, a text document, etc.)

The language Bariera reduced, I will tell you that DNS can be difficult, especially in the first registration of a domain name or transfer your website to a web hosting provider.The strangest things can happen, that would have you believe that your new web hosting provider is at fault.

99.99% of the time the Web Hosting Provider is not to blame and I will explain why.

There are a number of things involved in the DNS, which will enable me to become familiar with. Sorry, but needs to be done. Again, like everything in life, once you understand how things work, things will be much brighter.

What you need to hear are:

- IP Addresses

-Service Providers

- Domain names

- Domain Name Registrar


- The process of propagation

1. IP addresses

Our computers talk to each other using numerical addresses to identify themselves as your home address or your phone. If a computer wants to talk to another computer, it all boils down to an address or what we call an "IP address".

Here's an example:

As you can imagine, the numberpossible addresses, while immense to the untrained eye, is really limited and we are almost on the verge of exhausting all the songs .... Here is a piece of curiosity to all concerned in cool facts: Typically, service providers (see below) receive thousands of IP addresses are used on their networks. The IP addresses in the United States are assigned by ARIN, the American Registry for Internet Numbers. These are the Assigned Numbers Authority and determine who gets the IP addresses inUSA.

2. Service Providers

Service providers use IP addresses to identify their network so they can take on the Internet.

There are many different types of services, but for the purpose of this article, I will only discuss two of them.

The Internet service provider (or Internet Service Provider) is the company that provides access to the Internet. Without them, it would not be able to e-mail or surf the World Wide Web to send. When you connectyour ISP, your computer will point to their IP addresses. This IP address is used to identify your computer while connected to the Internet.

WHP (or web hosting provider, as is a company that an agent for individuals or businesses to publish on the Internet. If the site is published, put on a special computer called a server connected to the Internet via a broadband connection. The WHP hasThis server already assigned one of their IP addresses.

Now let's see what we have learned so far can be summarized by looking at typical internet users experience:

Let's say you want to navigate your website just published. It connects to the Internet and the computer receives an IP address (like a phone number, license plates, etc.) of your provider. You then open the browser and type in the domain of your website name:

Then you enter. The computersends a request. This request was jumping on the Internet to pass through routers and gateways, as well as cable and satellites and beamed back to Earth. After traveling a few thousand kilometers in a few milliseconds, is finally going to the Web server WHP, as it contains the IP address of the computer that you want.

The server then responds by sending a copy of the website's home page on your computer, because they know the IP address ofthe computer making the request. Are you looking for your home published in a few seconds and proud of the great color for the menu buttons.

How could this happen? Read on:

3. Domain names.

A domain name is what you would normally type in the web browser when you access a website. We use them to send e-mail.

Website: [] / E-mail:

Domain names provide a quick andconvenient way to achieve our favorite websites and sending e-mail each other. It 's easy to remember the name of the site of a friend or a business that you like working with rather than trying to store a number, as you can remember:

What we are missing here? The mechanism that translates numbers into names (for example, IP addresses, domain names) and vice versa. Suspense ....

4. Domain name registrar

If you want your own domain name, you must register aby a company called a registrar of domain names. The domain registrar has tools that allow you to search and a domain of your choice available for registration. The registrar is more or less at the top to appoint the entire chain.

If you were able to read this far and even stay focused, congratulations - you ar a very determined individual. And now, as a reward for reading this part of my article, I will talk about DNS ... that is the topic you came here to read aboutfirst place.

5. DNS

is a software program running on a dedicated computer known as a DNS. It has two functions of DNS servers Primary DNS:

1) the domain names into IP addresses to translate.

It is much easier to remember a domain like one-digit number sixteen as DNS Server translates or "solve" this information quickly and easily. When the computer needs to know the IP address for asks a DNS server (usually the one provided by your ISP.)

2) To act as the designated authority for domain names.

Wherever you decide to host your website, the network that you must own DNS server. It is an industry-wide standard to have at least two more DNS server o. These servers act as an authority for your domain because your DNS provider will make a special mention in theirServer> as it relates to the rule that says you're here! Technically this is known as an "A" record for "the Authority".

There are literally hundreds of thousands of these DNS machines world-wide. They are the yellow pages of the Internet and which contain the domain name. Keep in mind that no DNS server for all Internet domain names, they just keep the names they are responsible, and a couple of clues the rest.

Some DNS servers strictly store names while others do the job of providing search services for computers that need to find names. Many DNS servers do both. Technically, the server responsible for a specific domain is called "the Authority". Remember the "A" record?

There are a few pieces of crucial information is stored in a DNS server on the domain. This information as a whole is known as your "> DNS record. Find the name of a variety of other pieces of information (or records) on your domain. In order not to change your health in this article I will focus on the area, the A 'record' (or your WHP DNS servers).

6. The process of propagation

As I said before, your domain registrar is the person responsible for the publication of the domain name with the first (called root) DNS level. When it is published, it is placed in adirectory that is transmitted to the primary DNS server around the world.

The transmission secondary DNS server primary DNS server, and so on.

This process is known as the spread and can be raised by 72 hours. Propagation refers to the amount of time required for all DNS servers around the world to recognize the fact that today is a new domain, a domain name has been changed, orauthority for the domain has changed.

Other reasons why it takes so long is of course the size of our planet and the total number of DNS servers that require updated information. DNS servers are always busy themselves and changing dynamically throughout a given day. When and why a DNS server receives updated information for each other is a complete mystery - really!

In most cases, the propagation of the full DNSwell within 72 hours but you can be sure that everything is all right to wait up to 72 hours! Once breeding is complete, anyone, anywhere on the Internet should be able to visit your website hosted.

During this time you can experience strange events. This is because not every DNS server must know about your domain name. Take your ISP, for example. They use two DNS servers, even 24 hours after making your nameserver changes,only one of the DNS server of your Internet service provider can receive the update regarding your domain name and the other not.

If only one of these servers can resolve the domain name to an IP address and not the other, of what the experience would be like your site has been up and down. A moment there, the next is not.

Here's another example:

A friend you can have your new website and you can not. This is probably because your DNS serverbe able to get information as soon as your DNS server not.and wait 72 hours. Ouch!

Here is a clean one:

You are transferring hosting to a new WHP. During propagation you are working on developing a number of pages on your website. But you notice that when you try to view the most recent changes, they appear and disappear if you do not appear at all.

Think of the load-balancing DNS servers again. A serverinformation about your old GBW and the other has information on the new WHP! This can be a strange experience and may take some time to learn. What you really need to do is wait for 72 hours!

You see, if you prevent changes to your website during a transfer / propagation period, you will always have a consistent functional website available to your visitors. They do not know why you have switched WHP in so far as can tell, I'm just browsing the site.They do not realize that you are in a state of propagation and at any moment, have the potential to navigate the site by two different WHPs.

All these events are very common and every one of them will result in a call to the WHP asking why the server goes up and down. In reality the server is well and WSP is one of the most beautiful. The problem is that the owner of the domain name has not let go 72 hours, after which these and other similarproblems will disappear.

So as you can see, the Web Service Provider is not at fault, you just have to be patient and wait for the full three days before you can groped to determine if the site is a problem or not.

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