Sunday, September 5, 2010

Top Six Internet Errors and How to Decode Them

Internet errors can frustrate and destroy hopes of an enjoyable net surfing experience. Often you can't open your desired web pages, your web browsers mysterious shut downs, or the web page never loads. Searching for the cause of Internet errors can be just as frustrating as the errors themselves. However having a basic knowledge of these Internet errors can help cut down on the repair time.

By simply examining the digits in the Internet error message, you can easily pinpoint and solve your Internet and email problems. Internet errors are expressed as three digit codes. One of the most common errors "404 Not Found". The three digit code provides a helpful window into the cause of an Internet error. The number four such in 400 errors indicates that the problem is caused mishaps on your end. The number five corresponds to server errors that are caused by the Internet Service Provider (ISP). There is very little you do to fix 500 level errors with the exception of calling to complain.

Here are the top five Internet error messages and how to solve them:

400 Bad Request

This essentially means that your request to access the url that you typed was denied. This error happens most often when you misspelled or mistyped the Web address. The only solution to this problem is to double check the address that you have entered. Recently many websites are becoming upper case sensitive. Another alternative is to return to the company home page. From there, you can navigate your way to your desired page.

401 Unauthorized

When you try to access an encrypted website, you may receive this error if your browser does not support that encryption. Password protected site will also produce this error if the wrong password is entered.. The best way to handle this problem is upgrading your browser. If you are aware of the encryption type you can specifically add this encryption to the browser. Regarding the password, double check to make sure it has been entered correctly.

404 File Not Found.

This Internet error can also easily be produced by improperly typing the web page address. However, it is often a response to a missing link or file on the the website. The website administrator may have purposely removed link. If the site has been updated it, you may be redirected to an alternate link. Also, you can contact the web administrator and request an alternate link or search for an alternate link by navigating from the home page.

Certificate Error: Navigation Blocked

Internet Explorer seems especially prone to this error. The security certificate presented has errors therefore the page will not load. Enhanced settings in the browser does not allow certain pages to load if the security certificate or expected domain does not match up with the one your browser expects. You solve this Internet error by decreasing your security settings.

The Page Cannot Be Displayed

This error can be on your end or the web server's. However, it best to check that your hardware is functioning properly. Your Internet connection could be down or the equipment used to access the net may not be functioning properly. Double check Windows' settings to ensure that your hardware or software is configured correctly. That means that the modem may not be working properly or Firewall/Router is blocking net access. If you are under a network double click the network connection icon to check the settings. After all else fails, contact your Internet service provider and report the Internet errors.

Failed DNS Lookup

Internet Domain Name Sever (DNS) can't translate the requested URL protocol. In essence this Internet error means your computer is unable to translate the human language into computer language. Computer don't understand The only understand the numeric code used to produce this address. This internet error occurs usually when the server has crashed.

Another net common problem is overall slowdown when surfing. This can be caused by spyware or simply lack of maintenance. Visit "How to Speed Up Your Computer" page for more tips and tricks to reduce Internet errors and to increase PC speed.

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