Thursday, September 30, 2010

Commands to troubleshoot network problems - you should know this

IPCONFIG. Abbreviation for Internet Protocol configuration, use ipconfig on the windows to the configuration screen of the PCP / IP, including IP addresses, subnet mask, default gateway, DNS server ...

Ipconfig is a command such as problem solving, as shown below

ipconfig / release is used to release the IP configuration of your computer, and prepares the network for a new TCP / IP for.
renew ip config / network with the newConfiguring TCP / IP.

PING. Short for Packet Internet Groper is used to test connectivity between two network devices. The receiver sends an Internet Control Message Protocol, known as an ICMP echo request, the destination node then responds with an ICMP Echo Reply.

PING The IP address is used in combination with the computer to test ping the loopback address. The tool is very useful, and would be the firstto try to network problems never arise. The IP address is a class that the reserve in order to test the network and TCP / IP stack is working fine.

Traceroute and tracert in Windows used to display the location of an IP packet from the source to the destination computer.

TELNET (Telecommunication Network). This is a command used to access another computer remotely. Also known as commandrequest, it is widely used by network administrators. A Telnet application may be accepted or rejected by the remote computer, with the consent may be required for a user name and password. The example below:

Microsoft Telnet> o


Connecting to ...

The telnet command is used on Windows 7, and may be different on other operating systems. Telnet is not enabled by default on Windows 7 and Windows XP, you mustdone through the Control Panel.

Nslookup. Often used by network administrators, nslookup command is a tool used for DNS (Domain Name System) testing and troubleshooting. It is advisable to learn how DNS works before using this command. The example below:

C: \ Users \ Berbie> nslookup "only to illustrate"

Default Server: SE572


Host Name. Used in a truth of platforms, the command usedset up or find the name of a computer or other network device. An example under the windows:

C: \ Users \ Berbie hostname>

Berber PC

ARP. Short for Address Resolution Protocol, ARP is used to find a MAC address or physical address known only when the IP address. The example below:

C: \ arp> Users \ Berbie-a

Interface: --- 0xb

Internet Address Physical Address Type dynamic FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF static 01-00-5e-00-00-16 static

network commands are great tools used by computer and network administrators to run the network. The list of commands shown and described above is not exhaustive, there are many more and you should do some research on your own. We saw the basic commands that could help solve the problemswithin the home network or medium.

Thanks To : All In Ones Printers Store

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

DNS Propagation Explained - or why you wait 72 hours

So you found a perfect domain name that had not yet been taken to find out how to subscribe, pay for hosting (leasing space to put all the files to be publicly accessed as web pages to save) with a WHP - aka Web Hosting Provider (as and even upload your website to the WHP's servers, or was it a professional design company to create a website for you.

Well, it seems that the results of your hard work, spending your money and the headaches that you are trying totechnological significance of all the speeches has been empty? Why can not immediately see your website - after all, this is the promise of e-commerce age is't? Hey, when paying by credit card, which was found soon! And 'no one really cares about customer service? And what is this nonsense "spread" that the technicians tried to cheat with?

Your new web hosting providers with a lemon? Got a big mistake choosing it?

All this must be very frustrating unless you understand how things work. In the following paragraphs I will try to demystify the process of propagation of the DNS, saying in plain English, what DNS propagation is, how it works and why it is the only thing we have to speed up the process. ... wait.

DNS stands for Domain Name Server. I know that the word server is intimidating and you think "oh sure, another article written in technicalese. Think of aServer> like a normal computer, such as the one you're using to read this. That's right! Your lover may be a computer server. We ask for a computer, a server, if the machine is running and providing a service ("where" something, or a web page, a text document, etc.)

The language Bariera reduced, I will tell you that DNS can be difficult, especially in the first registration of a domain name or transfer your website to a web hosting provider.The strangest things can happen, that would have you believe that your new web hosting provider is at fault.

99.99% of the time the Web Hosting Provider is not to blame and I will explain why.

There are a number of things involved in the DNS, which will enable me to become familiar with. Sorry, but needs to be done. Again, like everything in life, once you understand how things work, things will be much brighter.

What you need to hear are:

- IP Addresses

-Service Providers

- Domain names

- Domain Name Registrar


- The process of propagation

1. IP addresses

Our computers talk to each other using numerical addresses to identify themselves as your home address or your phone. If a computer wants to talk to another computer, it all boils down to an address or what we call an "IP address".

Here's an example:

As you can imagine, the numberpossible addresses, while immense to the untrained eye, is really limited and we are almost on the verge of exhausting all the songs .... Here is a piece of curiosity to all concerned in cool facts: Typically, service providers (see below) receive thousands of IP addresses are used on their networks. The IP addresses in the United States are assigned by ARIN, the American Registry for Internet Numbers. These are the Assigned Numbers Authority and determine who gets the IP addresses inUSA.

2. Service Providers

Service providers use IP addresses to identify their network so they can take on the Internet.

There are many different types of services, but for the purpose of this article, I will only discuss two of them.

The Internet service provider (or Internet Service Provider) is the company that provides access to the Internet. Without them, it would not be able to e-mail or surf the World Wide Web to send. When you connectyour ISP, your computer will point to their IP addresses. This IP address is used to identify your computer while connected to the Internet.

WHP (or web hosting provider, as is a company that an agent for individuals or businesses to publish on the Internet. If the site is published, put on a special computer called a server connected to the Internet via a broadband connection. The WHP hasThis server already assigned one of their IP addresses.

Now let's see what we have learned so far can be summarized by looking at typical internet users experience:

Let's say you want to navigate your website just published. It connects to the Internet and the computer receives an IP address (like a phone number, license plates, etc.) of your provider. You then open the browser and type in the domain of your website name:

Then you enter. The computersends a request. This request was jumping on the Internet to pass through routers and gateways, as well as cable and satellites and beamed back to Earth. After traveling a few thousand kilometers in a few milliseconds, is finally going to the Web server WHP, as it contains the IP address of the computer that you want.

The server then responds by sending a copy of the website's home page on your computer, because they know the IP address ofthe computer making the request. Are you looking for your home published in a few seconds and proud of the great color for the menu buttons.

How could this happen? Read on:

3. Domain names.

A domain name is what you would normally type in the web browser when you access a website. We use them to send e-mail.

Website: [] / E-mail:

Domain names provide a quick andconvenient way to achieve our favorite websites and sending e-mail each other. It 's easy to remember the name of the site of a friend or a business that you like working with rather than trying to store a number, as you can remember:

What we are missing here? The mechanism that translates numbers into names (for example, IP addresses, domain names) and vice versa. Suspense ....

4. Domain name registrar

If you want your own domain name, you must register aby a company called a registrar of domain names. The domain registrar has tools that allow you to search and a domain of your choice available for registration. The registrar is more or less at the top to appoint the entire chain.

If you were able to read this far and even stay focused, congratulations - you ar a very determined individual. And now, as a reward for reading this part of my article, I will talk about DNS ... that is the topic you came here to read aboutfirst place.

5. DNS

is a software program running on a dedicated computer known as a DNS. It has two functions of DNS servers Primary DNS:

1) the domain names into IP addresses to translate.

It is much easier to remember a domain like one-digit number sixteen as DNS Server translates or "solve" this information quickly and easily. When the computer needs to know the IP address for asks a DNS server (usually the one provided by your ISP.)

2) To act as the designated authority for domain names.

Wherever you decide to host your website, the network that you must own DNS server. It is an industry-wide standard to have at least two more DNS server o. These servers act as an authority for your domain because your DNS provider will make a special mention in theirServer> as it relates to the rule that says you're here! Technically this is known as an "A" record for "the Authority".

There are literally hundreds of thousands of these DNS machines world-wide. They are the yellow pages of the Internet and which contain the domain name. Keep in mind that no DNS server for all Internet domain names, they just keep the names they are responsible, and a couple of clues the rest.

Some DNS servers strictly store names while others do the job of providing search services for computers that need to find names. Many DNS servers do both. Technically, the server responsible for a specific domain is called "the Authority". Remember the "A" record?

There are a few pieces of crucial information is stored in a DNS server on the domain. This information as a whole is known as your "> DNS record. Find the name of a variety of other pieces of information (or records) on your domain. In order not to change your health in this article I will focus on the area, the A 'record' (or your WHP DNS servers).

6. The process of propagation

As I said before, your domain registrar is the person responsible for the publication of the domain name with the first (called root) DNS level. When it is published, it is placed in adirectory that is transmitted to the primary DNS server around the world.

The transmission secondary DNS server primary DNS server, and so on.

This process is known as the spread and can be raised by 72 hours. Propagation refers to the amount of time required for all DNS servers around the world to recognize the fact that today is a new domain, a domain name has been changed, orauthority for the domain has changed.

Other reasons why it takes so long is of course the size of our planet and the total number of DNS servers that require updated information. DNS servers are always busy themselves and changing dynamically throughout a given day. When and why a DNS server receives updated information for each other is a complete mystery - really!

In most cases, the propagation of the full DNSwell within 72 hours but you can be sure that everything is all right to wait up to 72 hours! Once breeding is complete, anyone, anywhere on the Internet should be able to visit your website hosted.

During this time you can experience strange events. This is because not every DNS server must know about your domain name. Take your ISP, for example. They use two DNS servers, even 24 hours after making your nameserver changes,only one of the DNS server of your Internet service provider can receive the update regarding your domain name and the other not.

If only one of these servers can resolve the domain name to an IP address and not the other, of what the experience would be like your site has been up and down. A moment there, the next is not.

Here's another example:

A friend you can have your new website and you can not. This is probably because your DNS serverbe able to get information as soon as your DNS server not.and wait 72 hours. Ouch!

Here is a clean one:

You are transferring hosting to a new WHP. During propagation you are working on developing a number of pages on your website. But you notice that when you try to view the most recent changes, they appear and disappear if you do not appear at all.

Think of the load-balancing DNS servers again. A serverinformation about your old GBW and the other has information on the new WHP! This can be a strange experience and may take some time to learn. What you really need to do is wait for 72 hours!

You see, if you prevent changes to your website during a transfer / propagation period, you will always have a consistent functional website available to your visitors. They do not know why you have switched WHP in so far as can tell, I'm just browsing the site.They do not realize that you are in a state of propagation and at any moment, have the potential to navigate the site by two different WHPs.

All these events are very common and every one of them will result in a call to the WHP asking why the server goes up and down. In reality the server is well and WSP is one of the most beautiful. The problem is that the owner of the domain name has not let go 72 hours, after which these and other similarproblems will disappear.

So as you can see, the Web Service Provider is not at fault, you just have to be patient and wait for the full three days before you can groped to determine if the site is a problem or not.

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Zlob DNS Changer - Remove Zlob Trojan in a safe and efficient

When it comes to bug the key phrase to remember is "malicious software on any computer expert will tell you the same thing. However, it does not take an expert to know that the immediate abolition integrated. You can not be a slob when you remove Zlob, to say the same for any new road is like. Malware cause of evil, chaos and the malice in a system that allows the user or owner of a casino in the process.

There are simple steps to livepotential for moments of anxiety and paranoia caused by having to remove Zlob from your computer to become infected. As a general rule, always update your antivirus software to trust. Make it a habit to scan or sweep the system if not on a daily basis, at least on a weekly basis, this is primarily a necessary step in the shared network. Gambling, hacking porn sites or if your computer is more likely to leave the scene with an adware package competition. Back up files,worst case is always having to wipe the memory clean.

The threat goes through backdoor security holes, or a browser with disabilities. changing settings, and remote connection to run commands or software installation have been frequent attacks on your computer.

Early detection can lead to the prevention or treatment immediately. Before groped to remove Zlob is necessary to detect its presence in workstations. Surprisingly, the culprit can be detected andremoved via Add / Remove Programs can not guarantee that all files will be removed. Hidden files could easily have remained hidden, making your move a failed attempt. completely removed, the Trojans are known to recover fully after the restart.

Follow these 5 easy steps to manually remove the malware

1. Look for the file Zlob. Or write to save his folder, file name and path

2. In Task Manager, end the process to select Zlob. doThe same applies to the files related to the process, as

* * * Msmsgs.exe msmsgs.exe nvctrl.exe

3. Remove Zlob registry files using the registry editor, erasers.

4. Unsubscribe dll by running the command prompt.

5. Double check the file and remove Zlob

It is highly recommended to always reliable malware removal are used to prevent and risk further damage to the workstation.

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

So You Want to Be a Web Developer multiplayer games?

In my first article "So you want a Games Developer? (Http: / / /? So-You-Want-to-be-a-Games-Developer & id = 70920), I discussed different kinds of games, including web / e-games. This is one of the easiest ways to start developing games: not only limited to one language or platform, costs are quite low. This article will examine the various technologies that can be used , and give you an idea of what you do for getting started en mogelijk.

Webgames fall into several subcategories, games, browser games and multi player games. E-games are by far the simplest, technically are not Web Games and you do not even need a computer to moderate them, only to send and receive. Browser games can be implemented in Flash, JavaScript (DHTML), Java, and even ActiveX / COM. I think most games are single player made in Flash, but I, except for a future article. To begin with, but I will guide you through what is involveddeveloping Web multiplayer games.

Before you begin, take a look at Multi Player Online Games Directory-http: / / It is an excellent resource and gives you an idea of the nature of the games out there, from small games free games on the massive like EverQuest by Sony.

The games are not massively multiplayer web-based, but work over the Internet. Tend to their own customers have written, with encrypted protocols, fast 3D graphics and greatteams, customer support. Http: / / / I recommend as an excellent blog on this, you will find articles and quotes from famous people such as Richard Bartle's first MUD (short for Multi User Dungeon), and Professor Edward Castranova, an expert on L 'area of the virtual world economy. Sludge also tend to their customers, usually based on using Telnet. Although these web games, I suggest you broaden your experience as much as possible. Mud in particular, althoughis not the most popular genre and there are still a good model for interactive games.

Latest in game design and programming is as easy as starting to develop a full commercial game, it is not! But there is nothing that prevents build your own gaming website, and will be happy MPOGD'm sure that fits their directories. Open Source can be set and find other developers

There are two categories of web-game: real-time and turnbased, and this determines the type of technology that drives it. Real time is more complex, the server must support multiple simultaneous connections and care should be taken to synchronize the actions of customers. If you attack someone and have already passed, but the customer does not keep pace with the game is not popular.

A crossover between multiplayer games customized web client is available with Macromedia Flash. It 'probably multiplayeraction games based on flash will be more fruitful, there are quite a bit 'round now. Unfortunately, sourceforge has many ideas have not gone beyond the planning stage. Also what does not exist can not be open source and the creation of such games requires a lot of work. Googling for Flash multiplayer game gives a few million, but the results add open source and descend a few hundred thousand.

Unless you have a good Flash developer can write code, and good server, I suggestyou have to turn-based game. The good news is that web-based development is an area where open source is productive. A search on for "game server returned several projects that are mature or beta. Sense in the development of an RPG in Java? Arianne use. Or, if C # is more your style, take a look at Ovorp . The most popular languages are C + + and Java (server), but C # projects have started to appear and C, Perl and Python. But do not limit yourResearch sourceforge, there are many projects elsewhere. An excellent source for finding games, = Open Directory Project. Take a look at and

Eg. Black Nova Traders, located on SourceForge and has its own URL Black Nova traders is anWeb-based multi-player space exploration game inspired by the popular BBS game Wars Trad. It is classified as a mud shift. And 'coded using PHP, SQL and Javascript. BNT is officially in beta, but it is a fairly complete game that is not only ready. In fact, it may not be as long as developers keep tweaking!

If you intend to develop a game requires a web server. Yes you can do online, but this is slow. Better than your server.

A good startpoint with the most common technique is the open source LAMP family. This is Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. If you replace your Windows PC with a new PC, erase the hard drive on your old PC and install a Linux distribution and attach the two with a crossover network cable. What was a slow Windows PC is a relatively good development server with Apache, PHP and MySQL. Linux GUIs are quite friendly these days, but if you are unsure of the management of Linux Webmin and install it. Linux Administration as does all the configuration of Samba (if you want to share units), the addition of virtual sites etc. Apache very simple. Or even easier, the path with all WAMP installed on your Windows machine. Advantages and disadvantages of such a look here.

A word of caution. You can consider your web server exposed on the Internet for your DSL connection.Nothing wrong if you simply have two or three users simultaneously. If you have a static IP address is fairly easy to map a domain. It can also be done with a dynamic IP connection as well. Looking for a dynamic DNS to find out how to work on this. Make sure at least sufficient firewall protection. An unprotected Windows PC will probably be acquired within 15 minutes. I recommend you buy a router or firewall to invest in a professional softwarefirewall at least.

In the next article will discuss the nuts and bolts of developing game software and start developing an open source game.

Friends Link : Soil Permeability

Saturday, September 25, 2010

How to Create a Windows NTP Network Time Server Configuration

Synchronization of computer is very important in modern computer networks, precision and timing is crucial in many applications, particularly time sensitive operations. Imagine buying an airline seat only to hear at the airport that the ticket was sold twice because it was then purchased a computer that had a slower clock!

modern computers have internal clocks called Real Time Clock chips (RTC), the date and information. Thischips supported the battery so that even during power outages, may time but personal computers are not designed to be perfect to keep the clocks. Their design has been optimized for mass production and low cost rather than maintaining accurate time.

For many applications this can be quite adequate, but often need time machines to be synchronized with other PCs on a network and when computers are not synchronized with every other problem may arise, Such as file-sharing networksor, in some environments even fraud!

Microsoft Windows 2000, a time synchronization tool built into the operating system called Windows Time (W32Time.exe) that can be configured to operate as a network server. Strongly Microsoft and others recommend a server when configured with a hardware source instead Internet, where there is no authentication.

If you configure the Windows Time service to the internal hardware clock, usefirst make sure W32Time is the list of system services in the registry to verify:

Click Start, Run and type regedit and click OK.

Locate and click the following registry entry:


It is strongly recommended that you back up the registry as serious problems can occur if you modify the registry incorrectly, modifications to the registry at your own risk.

To begin configuring ainternal clock, click the following subkey:


In the right pane, click ReliableTimeSource, click Change.

In the Edit DWORD Value, type 1 in the Value data box, click OK

Close the Registry Editor

To start the Windows Time Service click Start, Run (or alternatively use the operations command prompt).

Type net stop w32time & & net start W32Time

Then press Enter.

Alocal reset 'time on the computer, type the following on all computers except the time server which must not be synchronized with itself:


To configure the Windows Time service to an external source, click Start, Run, type regedit and then click OK.

Locate the following subkey:


In the right pane, click Type then click Modify, in edit Value type NTP in the Value dataand click OK.

Now, in the right pane, right-click ReliableTimeSource, click Change.

In the Edit DWORD Value window, under Value data, type 0, click OK.

NtpServer right mouse button in the right pane, click Edit.

In the Edit DWORD Value, type the Domain Name System (DNS), DNS, each unique.

Click OK.

For Windows 2000 Service Pack 4, set the settings to make this correctionfound:


In the right pane, click MaxAllowedClockErrInSecs right, then change the Edit DWORD Value box, type a time when the second maximum number of seconds difference between the local clock and the received time from the NTP server to be considered a valid new time.

Click OK.

To find the polling interval:


Inright pane, click Period, then click Edit.

In the Edit DWORD Value window, under Value data, type 24 then click OK

Close the Registry Editor

Click Start, then Run and type the following and press Enter:

Net stop w32time & & net start W32Time

To reset the local 'time of the computer, type the following on all computers except the time server which must not be synchronized with itself:

Network Time Protocol (NTP) is an Internet protocol used toaccurate transfer of time, time that the information together, so an exact time can be obtained

For the Network Time Protocol, NTPServer, locate and click:


In the right pane, click Enabled, then click Edit.

In the Edit DWORD Value, type 1 under Value data, click OK.

Now go back and clickon


In the right pane, click NtpServer, then change the Edit DWORD Value data, type in the right pane, click NtpServer, then change the Edit DWORD Value data, type the Domain Name System (DNS), each DNS must be unique and need 0x1 to the end of each DNS name otherwise changes will not take effect.

Click OK.

Research andClick on the following


In the right pane, click Special Poll Interval, click Edit.

In the Edit DWORD Value window, under Value data, type the number of seconds you want for each poll, ie 900 will poll every 15 minutes, and then click OK.

To configure correction, found:


LawMaxPosPhaseCorrection right mouse button, then change the Edit DWORD Value box, under Base, click Decimal, under Value data, type a time in seconds such as 3600 (one hour) then click OK.

Now go back and click:


In the right pane, click MaxNegPhaseCorrection, then change.

In the Edit DWORD Value window below, click Decimal in the Value data type the time in seconds that you want to poll such as 3600 (in pollshour)

Close the Registry Editor

Now it is time to restart Windows, click Start, Run (or alternatively use the command prompt facility) and type:

net stop w32time & & net start W32Time

And on each computer, other than the time server, type:

W32tm / s

And this is the time server should be up and running now.

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Friday, September 24, 2010

How to Trouble-Shoot DNS problems in three easy steps

Solving the problems of DNS is a common challenge for web developers who just may have been exposed to the challenges that the code and databases. If you set up domains on a dedicated server or VPS for the first time and the next challenges will help.

1) The name servers are set for a domain on the domain registrar. To see what name servers are set to control domain (or another service whois). For example, the domainRackspace may return the name server DNS1 and

2) In the name of the correct DNS server entries must be established. A "voice", which is normally set to a host name, will have fields like name and IP. For example, as the name and 174.143.155.XX as IP. The IP-IP is the server. You can trouble shoot using: / lookup.html (linux if you can also use the nslookup command).

Name serversApplications may be brought in the name server. In case of companies such as web hosting server name is hosted on the same server as web server, so that when an account is created in WHM DNS entries are set automatically. If DNS is hosted Rackspace separately so that we have to manually set a DNS entry in their name servers. To Prevent the creation of a large number of entries for each subdomain,, and so on, received a wildcard for be established. Then each subdomain will point to the IP of choice (such as VPS).

Again, if you type in your car before find the nameservers for, check the hostname in the server name, to retrieve from the server IP, and now the final stage: how the server know which directory on the server under the usera?

3) In the case of a Linux server, the httpd.conf file (/ etc / httpd / conf) tells the server where the server where the site can be found. This file contains a series of "virtual hosts". And 'because many so called virtual hosts can be assigned to the same IP (Lange tijd back was not possible in Web server software, but Naam Elke nodig an IP host part). Each virtual machine directive tells the web server where you uploadfile for a particular host name (server name or aliases).

This virtual host directives are automatically created when you create an account in WHM, adding a parked or add-on domain. You can shoot problems watching the httpd.conf file via SSH (pico / etc / httpd / httpd.conf) and looking for the server name or nickname.

Conclusion: If the files do not arrive in a folder when accessing your domain is very likely that there is a problem in one ofabove three steps. In this case, simply use the troubleshooting options described above.

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

How to speed up Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox web browser is one of the best around. It supports multiple operating systems including Mac, Windows and Linux, and under others.To fully maximize the potential and dramatically improve its speed, you can watch tweaks for Firefox browsing experience faster.

To begin, type about: config in the address box of Firefox. This asks for a confirmation page that asks if you really want to continue or not. Once you press Enter, it will link to a listconfigurations and take it from there. This is the most common configuration, regardless of the type of connection you have if your computer's speed.

They are:

Enter "network.http.pipelining" Filters tab, and press Enter. network.http.pipelining Double-click the field and set the value to "true". Double-click the box next to say network.http.pipelining.maxrequests and set the value "8".

Back to the Filter tab, type "network.http.proxy.pipelining andThen run hot, double-click the field to network.http.proxy.pipelining set to "true".

Right click on the about: config and select new integer result. Type "content.notify.backoffcount press OK and set the value to" 5 ".

Type "of the network. Dns. DisableIPv6" tab in the Filter and also to "true".

Finally, put the ui.submenuDelay "to" 0. "You can find this by right-clicking anywhere in the about: config and select new integer result.

Erest to complete the configuration as follows (these configuration files can be found when you right click at a point about: config results):

New> Boolean> content.interrupt.parsing> true

New> Integer> content.max.tokenizing.time> 2250000

New> Integer> content.notify.interva> 750,000

New> Boolean> content.notify.ontimer> true

New> Integer content.switch.threshold>> 750,000

New> Integer>nglayout.initialpaint.delay> 0

New> Integer browser.cache.memory.capacity>> 35,536

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Advantages of Dynamic IP and Static IP

One of the techie words that you would often come across when you sign up for your home broadband package or business package is IP address or Internet Protocol address. When you get a broadband connection, you are normally offered an IP address so that other PCs in the world wide web network can connect and communicate with your PC (if you are a home user) or your web server (assuming, you are hosting a website on your web space).

Non-technically speaking, IP address is a unique number often assigned to your PC in a network. If you are connected to internet, just check the internet options to go to LAN settings. You would find the IP address of your PC. This address helps other PCs to identify your PC as well as helping your PC to get information from other PCs which have similar unique numbers.

IP addresses are of two types: Dynamic IP and Static IP. What are their features? Why do you get dynamic IP free, why does getting a static IP cost you a bit? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type?

Remember, when your PC is not connected to internet, it can have any type of IP which is offered by the administrator. Usually, in a LAN network, the IP address of individual PC will be unique and that is the only required in such a network unless the PC is connected to internet.

Dynamic IP

Dynamic IP is usually offered free by all ISPs and this IP will change every time you log on to internet. This means your PC will be assigned different number codes at different times.

Advantages of Dynamic IP

In a network that is administered by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), the allocation of IP address and network configuration are done much faster.

All the computers (clients) get IP address, DNS, gateway from the DHCP server, automatically. This also makes your task of adding new computers to the network much easier. Regardless of the size of the network, dynamic IP is quite useful as it is easy to allocate, distribute and manage.

In a large LAN network, dynamic IP administration helps you to save your time as you need not configure hundreds of computers manually.

Dynamic IP also helps you to log in as an anonymous user.

The main disadvantage of dynamic IP is that it is not suited to web hosting. You would require static IP then. However, home users will not find any difficulty in using this type of IP.

Static IP

A few broadband providers offer this option which has some distinct advantages. It is a useful feature when you consider web hosting as the server often needs this type of IP address as the DNS will be able to interpret the domain names as IP addresses which never change in the network. Static IP is quite helpful to identify a specific PC in a large network of PCs. Hence, static IP is often used in a large infrastructure environment.

Advantages of Static IP

As static IP never changes in the internet environment, a specific PC can be accessed and controlled and maintained from any place.

For web hosting purposes,static IP is very ideal. If you are a business user and want to promote your business via internet, go for a business broadband package which sometimes may provide you with a free static IP address. Businesses can see better growth and be in touch with their customers when they have their own websites. If you are looking for a cheaper option, find a business package that comes with free static IP and free web space.

Make sure that you pick the right business broadband package after going through the extras provided by the ISPs like free emails, free domain name, webspace etc.

Just think that you can create your own email addresses with your domain name. If your email accounts have some unique identity, they make a huge difference and become an important part of better management of your businesses, it is better to have your own email accounts with your own domain name. It will also help your company to cut a niche among your competitors.

If you are a gamer and use a dedicated broadband connection for that purpose, take a static IP and find the difference. It would definitely help you to have an significant edge over others. This is because the FTP servers make the data transfer much faster.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Set Up FTP Server Using FileZilla on Windows 7

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, if you want to know more about it, you can check it out at Wikipedia. FTP is actually getting less popular nowadays as users have lots of other protocols to exchange files, P2P especially BT. FTP, however, is still playing a very important role.

Let's say, if you have a file that's about 300MB and you would like to send it over to your friend oversea immediately. What would you do? Usually emails have attachment limit (usually it's not as high as 300MB) and it will be extremely slow and unstable if you try to transfer over instant messenger software like MSN. The best solution will be setting up your own FTP server at home and authorize your friend to download from your computer. Mind as well, you can set up an account so that you can view all of your files and grab them wherever you go.

If have already set up your remote desktop at home, you will probably leave the computer on 24*7 just so that you can access it any time you want. Or if you have a spare computer like I do, why don't you try to make use of it? I am going to show you how you can make your computer into a FTP server.

After trying a couple of the FTP server software, the freeware FileZilla Server became my choice.

OK, let's get started.

The first thing you will need to do is to install the package you just downloaded (from the above link); the installation is quite straight forward and I am not going to get into too detail.

Upon successful installation, FileZilla server will launch and you should be able to see the following interface:

Before we go ahead and set it up the ports, we would like to add a user to make sure it works. We will go to choose from "Edit-->Users" (Or there is a shortcut icon right underneath the "Edit" on the menu bar.)

I created a user named "anonymous", and I make sure the "Password" field is uncheck because I would like to make this as my public FTP account that visitors could download from my FTP server. If you would like to set up other accounts, make sure your "Password" filed is checked to enforce a secure login. For different users, you can assign different path, or you can just create a group and assign the path to all members in that group.

On the left hand side, you will see the "Shared folders", you can specify the folder path you would like "anonymous" to look at as well as the permission you would like to grant. Once it's done, click OK.

Note: The shared folder directories is the root folder that the selected user (in this case, it's "anonymous") could see, but any folders contained by root folders are also visible to this user.

The common thing Windows users would probably miss while setting up FileZilla is the Firewall. Over the installation, even though you grant permission for FileZilla server to access your computer resources, there is something not quite correctly set up.

Browse to your firewall setting, you should be able to find FileZilla Server Interface might be in the allow list; however, this is the problem. We should allow the FileZilla Server core instead of the interface. The interface is just the UI for end users like you and me to access the core program. So we click add to choose "FileZilla Server" from the installation folder:

Now it should be OK.

If you have two or more computers at home, you can give it a test now. First find out your internal IP address. If you don't know how to do it, check my previous post, set up your remote desktop. For example, I found that my server's internal IP is, then on the other computer, I simply type in

Note: If you have a different port other than port 21, let's say you have port 22, you should type in if you don't know what port it is, it's actually under setting-->General setting: If it works for you, we will move on; otherwise, please read the instructions again or ask me.

FTP server is meant to be exit in a network, if you just try to set it up at home, then you are done; but according to the situations I introduced in my first paragraphs, I do want to make it global.

Like a Remote Desktop, we will also need to set up port forwarding. In my case, since my FileZilla Server is on Port 21 on my computer, I will need to somehow forward the FTP request onto this port. Ideally, it would be great if we can set up port 21 as external port because every time we type in the address, we don't need to type in the port number (Browser's default FTP port is port 21). However, most of the ISP (Internet Service Provider), for example I use Telus, block port 21. We will need to find an alternate port as our external port:

I set up Port 5050 as my external port and all FTP request through this port will be redirect to Port 21 on my server. I am using D-Link DIR-825, if you have different router, please refer to the instruction on your manual.

If you set up your Dynamic DNS, then you are already done, if not, please go back and read my post; it's extremely easy.

Let's say you have your Dynamic DNS name as, then when you are outside, you can simply type in, but if you are at home, you can just type in

You can use your browsers to visit your FTP server, however, I do recommend you to use FTP software. FileZilla Server is a great FTP server and they do have client software too. You can check FileZilla's website; if you haven't got one, why don't you try FileZilla Client?

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Basic Configuration Tutorial For the Cisco ASA 5510 Firewall

Continuing our series of articles about Cisco ASA 5500 firewalls, I'm offering you here a basic configuration tutorial for the Cisco ASA 5510 security appliance. This device is the second model in the ASA series (ASA 5505, 5510, 5520 etc) and is fairly popular since is intended for small to medium enterprises. Like the smallest ASA 5505 model, the 5510 comes with two license options: The Base license and the Security Plus license. The second one (security plus) provides some performance and hardware enhancements over the base license, such as 130,000 Maximum firewall connections (instead of 50,000), 100 Maximum VLANs (instead of 50), Failover Redundancy, etc. Also, the security plus license enables two of the five firewall network ports to work as 10/100/1000 instead of only 10/100.

Next we will see a simple Internet Access scenario which will help us understand the basic steps needed to setup an ASA 5510. Assume that we are assigned a static public IP address from our ISP. Also, the internal LAN network belongs to subnet Interface Ethernet0/0 will be connected on the outside (towards the ISP), and Ethernet0/1 will be connected to the Inside LAN switch.

The firewall will be configured to supply IP addresses dynamically (using DHCP) to the internal hosts. All outbound communication (from inside to outside) will be translated using Port Address Translation (PAT) on the outside public interface. Let's see a snippet of the required configuration steps for this basic scenario:

Step1: Configure a privileged level password (enable password)

By default there is no password for accessing the ASA firewall, so the first step before doing anything else is to configure a privileged level password, which will be needed to allow subsequent access to the appliance. Configure this under Configuration Mode:

ASA5510(config)# enable password mysecretpassword

Step2: Configure the public outside interface

ASA5510(config)# interface Ethernet0/0

ASA5510(config-if)# nameif outside

ASA5510(config-if)# security-level 0

ASA5510(config-if)# ip address

ASA5510(config-if)# no shut

Step3: Configure the trusted internal interface

ASA5510(config)# interface Ethernet0/1

ASA5510(config-if)# nameif inside

ASA5510(config-if)# security-level 100

ASA5510(config-if)# ip address

ASA5510(config-if)# no shut

Step 4: Configure PAT on the outside interface

ASA5510(config)# global (outside) 1 interface

ASA5510(config)# nat (inside) 1

Step 5: Configure Default Route towards the ISP (assume default gateway is

ASA5510(config)# route outside 1

Step 6: Configure the firewall to assign internal IP and DNS address to hosts using DHCP

ASA5510(config)# dhcpd dns

ASA5510(config)# dhcpd address inside

ASA5510(config)# dhcpd enable inside

The above basic configuration is just the beginning for making the appliance operational. There are many more configuration features that you need to implement to increase the security of your network, such as Static and Dynamic NAT, Access Control Lists to control traffic flow, DMZ zones, VPN etc.

Visit my website in my resource box below for more information about Cisco products and solutions. You can also learn how to configure any Cisco ASA 5500 Firewall Here (applicable for ALL ASA models running software versions 7.x and 8.x).

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Web Hosting Website Migration Process - Moving From One Web Hosting Company to Another

This article provides a detailed step by step process for migrating a website from one web hosting provider to the next without disrupting the delivery of either the website or email services associated with the domain.

A summary of the steps involved in the process are:

Make sure you have all necessary information
Request set up of the hosting account with the new provider
Replicate DNS with the new provider
Re-delegate the domain name
Copy the site content
Test the site on the temporary domain
Configure email services
Change DNS records.
Migration completed

Before you begin make sure you have everything you will need to complete the migration. This includes, among other things:

Domain password or registry keys
Access to the web hosting account on the existing web hosting provider
Ability to perform database dumps on the existing web hosting provider
All SSL certificate files (if there is one)
Checked that the hosting platform is compatible (i.e. versions of applications, Linux vs windows).
List of all existing email addresses
Setup the web hosting account with the new web host

Make sure that the website hosting account is setup with the new web hosting provider. Setting up the account will not interfere with the operation of the existing live site. When the web hosting account is configured with the new host, you should receive all the access details for adding content to the account.

DNS Configuration

We highly recommend redelegating the domain name to the name servers of the new hosting company in advance of moving any other services, this is commonly referred to as the DNS.

DNS is usually handled by the same company that handles either website or email hosting or both. It is however technical independent and is a service that can be handled by different companies.

DNS is where the change is made made when a website is switched from one hosting provider to another.

We suggest changing the DNS to be hosted by the new provider but set the DNS records to continue to point all services at the existing hosting service provider. Once the DNS records are hosted by the new provider, change the TTL (Time To Live) attribute to reduce it from the standard 24 hours to 10 minutes. This allows us to make changes between providers in as little as 10 minutes once the services are ready to be migrated. This is a big improvement on the standard 24 hours since the level of disruption is greatly minimised and the risk of users being spread between old and new sites is so much lower.

We first need to make sure we have an accurate copy of the records from the existing host. The best way to do this is to request a copy of the records from the current host or DNS provider. If this is not possible, with a reasonable knowledge of the services in use on the domain name, it is usually possible to collect most of the necessary information that you need using tools such as dig or nslookup.

Site Copying

Once DNS migration has been initiated we have approximately 24-48 hours before the domain can be redelegated to the new hosting providers name servers. This will give us ample time to move the content across to the new servers. There are essentially two ways this can be completed depending on what information we have. If you have FTP/SSH details then you will be able to log in and copy the files across. Important things to note:

Databases? Make sure a dump is taken and saved in the home directory
Provided you have SSH access, the easiest way to copy the content across is to tar up the entire home directory and then SCP it across.

A simple way of copying an entire website if you have FTP access is using LFTP. Login to the server the account is on as root and:

$ su -
$ cd public_html
$ lftp

lftp:~> user

lftp:/> ls (just to make sure you're in the correct folder, otherwise cd to the folder containing the website)
lftp:/> mirror

This will mirror the entire contents of the website into your current folder. You still need to manually copy any databases across.

Without SSH/FTP access you can copy the site using Wget if you keep in mind a few caveats: Wget will only work when there is static content on the webpage, no dynamic pages (eg php, asp, shtml), no databases. If the site contains Javascript or Flash you might find you miss parts of the content.

Site Testing

Once the website has been copied test it on the temporary URL (as provided in the introductory email) for the hosting account setup and compare against original website to ensure everything is working correctly. If anything is not working, make sure it is fixed at this stage.

It is important that you confirm with the new hosting provider that you have completed your testing of the website.

Email Configuration

Assuming that all email services are to be migrated, a full list of email addresses that are required must be provided to your hosting company. If mail services are remaining with the existing host, or they are already handled externally it is important that you let your hosting company know.

Once they have been provided your web host should supply you with new username and passwords.

Note that if email services are to be migrated in most cases you will be changing the username and password details for email services. This change is the one that will have the greatest effect on the end user of the hosting services and it's important that it is communicated properly. If peoples email breaks these days, it's often more disruptive to their work than cutting of their telephone.

We've found that the best way to ensure no email is lost in the migration process is to leave the existing configuration in place, so that the mail client continues to check the old mail server, then add a new profile that checks the new mail server concurrently. This should usually be left in place for up to 7 days after the change over. It will ensure that any mail that still does make its way to the old location will be collected.

Finalise Migration

Once everything has been checked and rechecked we can switch the site across our servers for web and email hosting (by switching the DNS).

You should contact your hosting provider to confirm a time to make the change.

If the website uses a database it may be necessary to complete a final synchronisation of database immediately prior to changing the DNS.


That's it, you're all done. You site migration should be complete and all traffic flowing to the new host with a minimum of disruption.

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Best Website Hosting Providers

There are a lot of benefits and advantages a business could get from tying up with a web hosting provider.  Aside from helping they promote their products; they can also aid them in increasing their revenue by cutting down extra costs.  Below are additional benefits a company could get by doing business with a best web site hosting partner:

They may choose which Operating System will best work for their company.  They also have the liberty to select which Operating System Support to use.  They may either go for a Linux or for an open source system such as Red Hat Enterprise, Cent OS, Microsoft Windows Server, Fedroa Core, and Debian.  Using an Operating system that you are familiar with helps you save time and energy.  It keeps you from the hassle of having to learn a brand new system.

Also, having the ability to choose your Operating system helps you manage your company's budget wisely.  If you worry about additional expenses, then you may opt for an open source system, since they do not cost anything extra.  If needed, then you can just purchase additional services like security patches upgrade, exposure and OS resolutions, and OS upgrade.  Choosing the best web site hosting provider among the numerous selections given may seem difficult.  But yet, it may prove to be rewarding as your business grows.

Data Center Services may help enhance your web hosting experience.  It helps you get relevant services to do tasks for your business smoothly and flawlessly.  Data Center offers exceptional services like firewall services, anti - virus programs, technical support, load balancing, D Dos (distributed denial - of - service attack) reduction and protection, backups and repair, DNS hosting accommodation, database management, disaster recovery, protection from an unauthorized user, performance tuning, software configuration and installation, load balancing, monitoring servers, user management, operating system, and simple network protocol.

Security of information stored online is very important.  And as such, companies should take extra measures in making sure that their database is safe from spammers, hackers, and worms.  Web hosting providers supply anti - virus programs, firewall protection, and scanning systems to prevent any unauthorized user from accessing confidential information on your website.  This is one advantage website owners could get from managed servers.  They provide extra security to your business and online information.  Hosting partners that guarantee added security should be on top of your list of best web site hosting providers.

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Friday, September 17, 2010

What is Process MDNSResponder.exe?

mDNSResponder.exe is a process associated with "Bonjour for Windows" software. It is mainly used by ITunes for music sharing. This is a non-essential process meaning that it is not needed by the SYSTEM to perform its normal function thus disabling or enabling it is down to user preference. mDNSResponder.EXE as mentioned above is Bonjour system service that implements Multicast DNS Service Discovery for the discovery of services on the local network, and unicast DNS Service Discovery for discovery of services anywhere over the whole Internet. mDNSResponder.EXE was built originally to go with the Mac OS X Platform since Apple produce both Mac OS and ITunes music software. Applications like iTunes, iPhoto, iChat and Safari use mDNSResponder.EXE to implement zero-configuration (zero configuration is explained in the paragraph below) network music sharing, photo sharing, chatting and file sharing, and discovery of remote user interfaces for hardware devices like printers and web cameras. mDNSResponder.EXE is open source, and hardware device manufacturers are encouraged to embed the mDNSResponder source code directly into their products to benefit from zero-configuration networking.

What is Bonjour?

Bonjour service which is a zero-configuration networking system enables automatic discovery of computers, devices, and services on IP networks. Bonjour uses industry standard IP protocols to allow devices to automatically discover each other without the need to enter IP addresses or configure DNS servers. Bonjour is basically like 3 services joined together into one. Specifically, Bonjour service enables configures automatically IP address assignment without a DHCP server, translates domain name to IP addresses without the need for a DNS server (Domain Name Server), and does service discovery without a directory server. Bonjour is an open protocol which Apple has submitted to the IETF. Open protocol means that any software developer can read its documentation or download the source code for it and implement his own version of this service or include it in his application for networks discovery.

mDNSResponder.exe in Windows operating system is usually located in a subfolder of "C:Program Files" or sometimes in a subfolder of the "My Files" folder. The application uses ports to connect to LAN or Internet. You can uninstall this program from the add/remove software feature in the control panel.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Securing IIS 6.0 Web Server on Windows 2003

Hacking a Web Server
With the advent of Windows 2003 and IIS 6.0 there was a sharp turn in the way hosting services were being provided on Windows platform few years back. Today, web servers running on Internet Information Services 6.0 (IIS 6.0) are highly popular worldwide - thanks to the .NET and AJAX revolution for designing web applications. Unfortunately, this also makes IIS web servers a popular target amongst hacking groups and almost every day we read about the new exploits being traced out and patched. That does not mean that Windows is not as secured as Linux. In fact, it's good that we see so many patches being released for Windows platform as it clearly shows that the vulnerabilities have been identified and blocked.

Many server administrators have a hard time coping up with patch management on multiple servers thus making it easy for hackers to find a vulnerable web server on the Internet. One good way I have found to ensure servers are patched is to use Nagios to run an external script on a remote host, in turn alerting on the big screen which servers need patches and a reboot after the patch has been applied. In other words, it is not a difficult task for an intruder to gain access to a vulnerable server if the web server is not secured and then compromise it further to an extent that there is no option left for the administrator but to do a fresh OS install and restore from backups.
Many tools are available on the Internet which allows an experienced or a beginner hacker to identify an exploit and gain access to a web server. The most common of them are:

IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) - which makes use of the IPP buffer overflow. The hacking application sends out an actual string that overflows the stack and opens up a window to execute custom shell code. It connects the CMD.EXE file to a specified port on the attacker's side and the hacker is provided with a command shell and system access.

UNICODE and CGI-Decode - where the hacker uses the browser on his or her computer to run malicious scripts on the targeted server. The script is executed using the IUSR_ account also called the "anonymous account" in IIS. Using this type of scripts a directory transversal attack can be performed to gain further access to the system.

Over these years, I've seen that most of the time, attacks on a IIS web server result due to poor server administration, lack of patch management, bad configuration of security, etc. It is not the OS or the application to blame but the basic configuration of the server is the main culprit. I've outlined below a checklist with an explanation to each item. These if followed correctly would help prevent lot of web attacks on an IIS web server.

Secure the Operating System
The first step is to secure the operating system which runs the web server. Ensure that the Windows 2003 Server is running the latest service pack which includes a number of key security enhancements.

Always use NTFS File System
NTFS file system provides granular control over user permissions and lets you give users only access to what they absolutely need on a file or inside a folder.

Remove Unwanted Applications and Services
The more applications and services that you run on a server, the larger the attack surface for a potential intruder. For example, if you do not need File and Printer sharing capabilities on your shared hosting platform, disable that service.

Use Least Privileged Accounts for Service
Always use the local system account for starting services. By default Windows Server 2003 has reduced the need for service accounts in many instances, but they are still necessary for some third-party applications. Use local system accounts in this case rather than using a domain account. Using a local system account means you are containing a breach to a single server.

Rename Administrator and Disable Guest
Ensure that the default account called Guest is disabled even though this is a less privileged account. Moreover, the Administrator account is the favorite targets for hackers and most of the malicious scripts out there use this to exploit and vulnerable server. Rename the administrator account to something else so that the scripts or programs that have a check for these accounts hard-coded fail.

Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP and SMB
NetBIOS is a broadcast-based, non-routable and insecure protocol, and it scales poorly mostly because it was designed with a flat namespace. Web servers and Domain Name System (DNS) servers do not require NetBIOS and Server Message Block (SMB). This protocol should be disabled to reduce the threat of user enumeration.

To disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP, right click the network connection facing the Internet and select Properties. Open the Advanced TCP/IP settings and go to the WINS tab. The option for disabling NetBIOS TCP/IP should be visible now.

To disable SMB, simply uncheck the File and Print Sharing for Microsoft Networks and Client for Microsoft Networks. A word of caution though - if you are using network shares to store content skip this. Only perform this if you are sure that your Web Server is a stand-alone server.

Schedule Patch Management
Make a plan for patch management and stick to it. Subscribe to Microsoft Security Notification Service ( to stay updated on the latest release of patches and updates from Microsoft. Configure your server's Automatic Update to notify you on availability of new patches if you would like to review them before installation.

Run MBSA Scan
This is one of the best way to identify security issues on your servers. Download the Microsoft Base Line Security tool and run it on the server. It will give you details of security issues with user accounts, permissions, missing patches and updates and much more.

That's it to the basic of securing the operating system. There are more fixes which can be performed for further securing the server but they are beyond the scope of this article. Let's now move on to securing the IIS web server.

IIS 6.0 when setup is secured by default. When we say this, it means that when a fresh installation of IIS is done, it prevents scripts from running on the web server unless specified. When IIS is first installed, it serves only HTML pages and all dynamic content is blocked by default. This means that the web server will not serve or parse dynamic pages like ASP, ASP.NET, etc. Since that is not what a web server is meant to do, the default configuration is changed to allow these extensions. Listed below are some basic points that guide you to securing the web server further:

Latest Patches and Updates
Ensure that the latest patches, updates and service packs have been installed for .NET Framework. These patches and updates fix lot of issues which enhances the security of the web server.

Isolate Operating System
Do not run your web server from the default InetPub folder. If you have the option to partition your hard disks then use the C: drive for Operating System files and store all your client web sites on another partition. Relocate web root directories and virtual directories to a non-system partition to help protect against directory traversal attacks.

IISLockDown Tool
There are some benefits to this tool and there are some drawbacks, however, so use it cautiously. If your web server interacts with other servers, test the lockdown tool to make sure it is configured so that connectivity to backend services is not lost.

Permissions for Web Content
Ensure that Script Source Access is never enabled under a web site's property. If this option is enabled, users can access source files. If Read is selected, source can be read; if Write is selected, source can be written to. To ensure that it is disabled, open IIS, right click the Websites folder and select Properties. Clear the check box if it is enabled and propagate it to all child websites.

Enable Only Required Web Server Extensions
IIS 6.0 by default does not allow any dynamic content to be parsed. To allow a dynamic page to be executed, you need to enable the relevant extension from the Web Service Extensions property page. Always ensure that "All Unknown CGI Extensions" and "All Unknown ISAPI Extensions" are disabled all the time. If WebDAV and Internet Data Connector are not required, disable that too.

Disable Parent Paths
This is the worst of all and thanks to Microsoft, it is disabled in IIS 6.0 by default. The Parent Paths option permits programmers to use ".." in calls to functions by allowing paths that are relative to the current directory using the ..notation. Setting this property to True may constitute a security risk because an include path can access critical or confidential files outside the root directory of the application. Since most of the programmers and third-party readymade applications use this notation, I leave it up to you to decide if this needs to be enabled or disabled. The workaround to Parent Paths is to use the Server.MapPath option in your dynamic scripts.

Disable Default Web Site
If not required, stop the Default Web Site which is created when IIS 6.0 is installed or change the property of Default Web Site to run on a specific IP address along with a Host Header. Never keep it running on All Unassigned as most of the ready-made hacking packages identify a vulnerable web server from IP address rather than a domain name. If your Default Web Site is running on All Unassigned, it means that it can serve content over an IP address in the URL rather than the domain name.

Use Application Isolation
I like this feature in IIS 6.0 which allows you to isolate applications in application pools. By creating new application pools and assigning web sites and applications to them, you can make your server more efficient and reliable as it ensures that other applications or sites do not get affected due to a faulty application running under that pool.

All of the aforementioned IIS tips and tools are natively available in Windows. Don't forget to try just one at a time before you test your Web accessibility. It could be disastrous if all of these were implemented at the same time making you wonder what is causing a problem in case you start having issues.

Final tip: Go to your Web server and Run "netstat -an" (without quotes) at the command line. Observe how many different IP addresses are trying to gain connectivity to your machine, mostly via port 80. If you see that you have IP addresses established at a number of higher ports, then you've already got a bit of investigating to do.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Importance of a DNS Server Address

DNS stands for Domain Name System. This is the whole system of naming websites that allows your web browser to take something like and find it easily. DNS servers can be any computer system or server that runs software that allows access to the Internet, and is assigned an IP (Internet Protocol) address. There are main DNS servers that contain all of the DNS and IP information. These make up the top level of the system while the lower levels branch out and contain all Internet service provider's servers and server farms used by large companies, all of which contain various DNS addresses and IP addresses.

If you are planning on getting a domain name for your site, you really don't have to know any of this information. You don't need to know what a DNS address is, what your computer's IP address is or any other similar facts. But understanding how it all works can help you if you have technical problems. At the very least, you'll have some understanding of what an IT technician might tell you when troubleshooting.

Understanding in general how DNS addresses work can also help when troubleshooting your home computer. Sometimes the browser will refuse to bring up certain websites or any websites and it's a DNS address problem within your own system. Your browser is actually working as what's known as a DNS resolver or DNS client when you use it to surf the Internet. It sends a request to the server owned by your Internet service provider to bring up a certain site and your ISP then sends that information back to you.

If your ISP isn't directly connected to the site you are trying to reach, such as a site that hosted somewhere else, it then becomes a DNS resolver which sends the request to another server to bring the information back. When you type information into your browser with words like the, it turns that into the numerical IP address of the site and makes requests based on that number.

The website that you create with your domain name will have an IP address that DNS servers and clients use to allow people to view your site. If you are browsing and you're having trouble bringing up certain sites, your Internet service provider can help you by giving you the IP addresses of your DNS server so you can make sure your browser is configured properly.

The DNS name is essentially the name you type in to get a website. The DNS system is what makes using that name possible so that we don't have to type in each website's IP number to access it. It's one of those little things that you don't really need to know about, but that makes using the Internet possible for people without any technical knowledge.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How to Stop Spam at Your Business

Spam is flooding inboxes, message boards, newsgroups, user comments, etc with the same message(s). The message is usually commercial advertising for quasi-legal products and services. Spam is lucrative because it costs the spammer little money to send. The brunt of the cost is borne by the recipients or carriers instead of the sender.

Email spam that is targeted at individual users can be more than just an annoyance. Spammers can distribute viruses through email messages sent to your inbox.

There are several ways to stop spam. We have outlined four methods here.

The first method for an organization is to install a corporate spam filter.

A corporate spam filter is installed on the receiving email server. There are two options for installing a corporate spam filter:

Install a spam filter with the SMTP server
The SMTP protocol is for sending email SMTP. This is the most direct and easiest method for installing a spam filter. The filter is installed on Port 25 where it inspects incoming email messages and then passes them on to the SMTP server that is listening on another port. The SMTP server then sends the message to the POP3 server, which forwards it to the email recipient.

Install a spam filter with the POP3 server
The POP3 protocol is for retrieving email. When a spam filter is installed on the POP3 server, email messages must still pass through the SMTP server. This may cause increased costs for data storage and handling.

The second method to stop spam is to contract with a third party organization. Using this method all email is directed to the third party's spam filter. Unsolicited bulk mail (spam) is deleted and the clean mail is redirected to the organization's recipient. In order for the organization's mail to go to the third party their MX (mail exchange) record must be changed at the Domain Name System (DNS).

The third method is to install a spam filter on your local computer. The majority of email clients can be configured to filter spam. Some of the configurations typically include:

Blacklist Senders
This configuration blocks a list of senders. Databases of blacklists are available on the Internet.

Whitelist Senders
This configuration allows the recipient to enter a list of email addresses that are allowed to pass thru. All others are sent to the junk email folder.

Block Top Level Domain
Some spam filters can be configured to block email from regions and even entire continents known for distributing spam such as Eastern Europe.

The final method is to install a separate spam filtering software. The software works with your email client to eliminate junk mail. This software may need to be "trained" meaning that the user must identify the unsolicited messages they receive as spam. The filtering software then uses the characteristics of the spam messages to identify and block unwanted email.

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Recreate DNS Hosts From Export File Into a Microsoft DNS Server

The following script was created to add hosts, from a list of exported hosts and IPs originally from a unrelated DNS server's zone, into the specified Microsoft DNS server's DNS zone.

The basic usage of the script is:
CScript AddDNSHost.vbs /DNSServer:DNSServer /DNSZone:DNSZone /HostName:HostName /HostIP:HostIP

And an example:
AddDNSHost.vbs /DNSServer: /DNSZone:DNSZone.local /HostName:MyComputer /HostIP:

A very simple way of constructing multiple commands can be achieved with practically any speadsheet application where column A holds the list of host names, column B holds their respected IP addresses and column C the following command (starting from row 1):

="AddDNSHost.vbs /DNSServer: /DNSZone:DNSZone.local /HostName:" & A1 & " /HostIP:" & B1

The above command can be copied once for each row. The resulting constructed command can then be directly pasted into a command prompt

'* * * * * * * * * * * Start of AddDNSHost.vbs * * * * * * * * * * *

On Error Resume Next

strDNSServer = Wscript.Arguments.Named("DNSServer")
strDNSZone = Wscript.Arguments.Named("DNSZone")
strHostName = Wscript.Arguments.Named("HostName")
strHostIP = Wscript.Arguments.Named("HostIP")

If Len(Trim(strDNSServer)) > 0 And Len(Trim(strDNSZone)) > 0 And Len(Trim(strHostName)) > 0 And Len(Trim(strHostIP)) > 0 Then
If Right(UCase(strHostName), Len(strDNSZone) + 1) "." & UCase(strDNSZone) Then
strHostName = strHostName & "." & strDNSZone
End If
intRecordClass = 1
intTTL = 600

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!" & strComputer & "rootMicrosoftDNS")
Set objItem = objWMIService.Get("MicrosoftDNS_AType")
intReturn = objItem.CreateInstanceFromPropertyData(strDNSServer, strDNSZone, strHostName, intRecordClass, intTTL, strHostIP)
If Err.Number = 0 And intReturn = 0 Then
WScript.Echo strHostName & vbTab & "Added"
WScript.Echo strHostName & vbTab & "Failed"
End If
End If

'* * * * * * * * * * * Start of AddDNSHost.vbs * * * * * * * * * * *

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Setup Internet Connection to Digital Video Recorder Behind Router

This is first article from two part series looking at the seemingly easy task of setting up Internet connection to security DVR. While this article will focus on general steps involved in proper connection forwarding to CCTV DVR, the part two is all about dynamic DNS support and workarounds. Before we step into the main subject, I like to explain very briefly a few key aspects of Internet connection for those of us not familiar with term like IP address, DDNS, port forwarding or IP mapping.


Every computer or other network device, in our case CCTV recorder has its own address called IP address, much like your home address it allows the information to find its way in enormous world of internet. IP address has four groups of numbers separated by dots; the number range is between 0 and 255. There are two separate networks that we need to take into consideration, LAN for Local Area Network and WAN for Wide Area Network. LAN has its own IP addresses and handles connection on local network devices (computers or devices located in your home or office network), if WAN IP is your home address than LAN IP would be your apartment number.

WAN IP is an external address visible to every user on the Internet. We will explain rest of the terminology as we go along.


The best way to explain and clarify surveillance DVR connection setup is to use an example. In our example, we will setup DVR model VDV-074 from DVRExperts thru Netopia Router/Modem combo currently used by AT&T DSL provider with static IP service, I will also use Linksys WRT54G Router for Cable DSL connection. Security DVR recorder needs to be connected to the Internet through Router and Modem, in some cases Router and Modem are all in one devices, for example Netopia Routers.

For standalone Modems please connect the Internet out to WAN port, on your Router. Connect CCTV DVR and computers to available ports on the Router as well. Your Router will need to be setup now to log in to the Internet service provider and establish connection.

Netopia Router users:

Open up browser on your computer and type into the address bar your routers default IP http:// User name and password window should appear; the default user name and password for Netopia Routers are admin for user and serial number of your Router for the password.

Select Configure followed by Quick start link, type your Internet service providers user name (email address) and your ISP password. Click submit and alert icon located in upper right corner (I know it is strange), finally select save and restart. Your connection should be up in minute or so, click home link to see your connection status.

Linksys Router users:

Open up browser on your computer and type into the address bar your routers default IP []. User name and password window should appear; the default user name and password for Linksys routers are admin for user and admin for the password.

The home page of the router has ISP settings, type in your email address as a user name and ISP password for the password, select save or submit. The Router will restart after minute or so, log in again and go to status page to see if your connection status is UP.

If everything is ok and your connection is UP, we can now proceed to fun part of the setup process

There is great number of different security Digital Video Recorders on the market, so please follow your DVR's manual for details; I will only provide the proper settings. In the DVR menu, setup static LAN (Internal) IP for the DVR, in our example we have 3 computers and DVR. Each device has assigned LAN IP address as follows:

Computer 1 -

Computer 2 -

Computer 3 -


The surveillance DVR will now be accessible within our network by typing its assigned internal IP ( into browser or connection software. What we need now is to forward the connection from external IP (WAN) which is accessible from outside of our network to the LAN IP of the DVR (

Netopia Router users:

Select Configure followed by Advanced and finally IP Maps. IP map table should be empty, click on add and type into IP Map Entry Name text box the name of your DVR connection, in our example I just typed in DVR so I know what this IP map is for. In Internal IP address box type in, for external IP address refer to you ISP work sheet and find out what is your IP. In some cases ISP will provide more than one static IP, you can choose one of them.

Click submit and alert icon located in upper right corner, finally select save and restart.

From now on anyone requesting external IP will be forwarded to the internal IP of the DVR (, therefore the connection should be established successfully.

Linksys Router users:

When setting up your DVR for access from the Internet, you will need to configure Port Forwarding on your Linksys Router. This can be accomplished in one of two ways, Specific Port Forwarding or the DMZ host. The DMZ host automatically forwards all incoming connection requests to a given IP address on your local network. Open the Applications & Gaming section of the router and choose DMZ. DMZ is not secure and should only be used with embedded, non-PC based CCTV recorders.

To expose the DVR to the Internet, enter the DVR local IP address ( in the DMZ Host IP address box. In some cases you may just want to forward specific ports to your security DVR. If you are running any other device/server that hosts services available to the internet, you will want to use specific port forwarding instead of the DMZ Host, also if your DVR is PC based it is strongly recommended for security reasons, to only forward ports used by DVR connection. Open the applications & Gaming section of the router and choose Port Range Forwarding. Type in the name for the connection, starting port number, ending port number and internal IP of the DVR ( in our example). Save and exit.

Your connection is now setup properly.

You probably noticed the term static IP in this article, and are wondering what that is.

Well, static IP is what the name suggests an IP that never changes. While there is no problem with internal IP selection; we can use whatever we want or prefer - the external IP, usually is dynamic. The static IP has to be requested from the ISP and is more expensive than dynamic IP. In our case we do want static IP so we have address for CCTV DVR connection that will never change.

Throughout this tutorial I have assumed that the external static IP is available.

Unfortunately in many areas it is not, or the cost is prohibitive. Don't panic yet, there is at least couple of different ways around this problem and I will try to go over each approach in my next article "How to use free dynamic DNS services for DVR connection."

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Networking Interview Questions

Here are the basic interview questions for the network administrators, system administrators and IT manager posts. These questions provide the basic information about the network communication technology, network topologies, network troubleshooting techniques, network devices and the basic overview of the LAN - WAN communication model.

What is DHCP?

DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Technology. The basic purpose of the DHCP is to assign the IP addresses and the other network configuration such as DNS, Gateway and other network settings to the client computers. DHCP reduces the administrative task of manually assigning the IP addresses to the large number of the computers in a network.

What is DNS and how it works?

DNS stands for Domain name system and it translates (converts) the host name into the IP address and IP address into to the host name. Every domain and the computer on the internet is assigned a unique IP address. The communication on the internet and in the network is based on the IP addresses. IP addresses are in this format,, etc. IP addresses can't be remembered but the host names are easy to remember instead of their IP addresses.

What is a Firewall?

Firewall is a protective boundary for a network and it prevents the unauthorized access to a network. Most of the Windows operating system such as Windows XP Professional has built-in firewall utilities. There are the large number of the third party firewall software and the basic purpose of all the firewall software and hardware is same i.e. to block the unauthorized user access to a network.

What is WAN?

WAN stands for wide area network and it covers the broader geographical area. Basically there are three types of a computer network LAN (Local Area Network), MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) and WAN (Wide Area Network). The communication in a WAN is based on the Routers. A WAN network can cover a city, country or continents.

Define VOIP Communication Technology

VOIP stands for Voice over IP and this technology is used for transmitted the voice over the IP based long distance network to make phone calls. VOIP phone calls are very cheap and a large number of the corporate offices and home users are using VOIP technology to make long distance phone calls.

What is Wi Max Technology?

Wi Max is a wireless broadband technology and it is a advance shape of the Wi Fi (which was a base band technology). Wi Max supports data, video and audio communication at the same time at a very high speed up to 70 Mbps.

Define Network Gateway

Network Gateway can be software or a hardware. A gateway is usually a joining point in a network i.e. it connects two networks. A computer with two LAN cards can act as a gateway.

What is a Router?

A router routes the traffic to its destination based on the source and destination IP addresses, which are placed in the routing software known as routing table.

How Fiber Optic Cable Works

Fiber optics provides the fastest communication medium for data and voice. Data can travel at the speed of light through the fiber optic cables. ISPs and corporate offices are usually connected with each other with the fiber optic cables to provide high speed connectivity.

What is File Server?

A file server is a computer in a network that authenticates the user access in a network such as Windows 2000/2003 Servers.

Define Seven Layers of OSI Model

There are seven layers of the OSI model. The basic purpose of these layers is to understand the communication system and data transmission steps. The seven layers are Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data Link and Physical. You can remember the name of these layers by this phrase. "All people seems to need data processing".

Define GSM Technology

GSM is a short range wireless technology and is usually used in the mobile phones, hand help devices, MP3 players, Laptops, computers and in cars.

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Unblock Security Programs By Renaming Exe Files

Malware is becoming much more intelligent in the way that it infects users computers.

In many cases new rogue programs are downloaded and the Hosts File is hijacked, preventing security programs from running or updating.

Many users then believe that they are infected with the Conficker worm or variants of it.

This is not the case and there are ways to deal with this new threat.

Rename the 'exe' files for the security programs, this can be applied to antivus and antimalware programs which then work around the blocks imposed by malware

Simply open your Programs Folder, find the application folder, open it and rename the program itself.

For example: The path to rename the files is: Open My Computer then double click the C: drive. C: > Program Files > Program Name, open the folder and rename the EXE files ONLY.  Whatever you rename then is what will show in task Manager when you execute them.

Also clean your Hosts File, download HostsXpert or HostsMan and use the 'Restore MS Hosts File' function to clean your Hosts and remove all entries to leave a clean Hosts File. Please reboot your PC after this step.

When using Hosts programs it is essential to disable the DNS  Client, simply open Admin Tools and open Services. Scroll down to DNS  Client and click to highlight, in the left pane Stop the service, and then right click the DNS  Client and select 'Properties', it is usually set to 'Automatic', change this to either 'Manual' or 'Disabled', click OK and exit Services.

In many cases your security programs will be able to then connect and update.

Once the malware has been removed, if using Spybot or any other Hosts blocking program you will need to immunize again or import Hosts from hpHosts or MVPS.

This is a very simple method to implement and the majority of users will then be able to update security applications or download antimalware programs from reputable sources.

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