Sunday, October 17, 2010

10 things to know about your domain name

There is an entire industry that simply buying and selling expired domain names, and most of their inventory comes from grabbing expired domain names of companies like yours does.

Knowing these ten items below will save you hours of time and aggravation, and save your company hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

These are, in my opinion, the ten things you absolutely must know the domain name of your business ...

company name domain registrar - This isthe company that purchased your domain name. The site agent is the only place you can upgrade or renew the domain information - which looks type your domain name and then a confirmation number that will be provided. Immediately, you will see the name of your registrar.

Registrar Domain username and password - in which registered the domain, change username and password. This username and password is essential foryou know.

After determining the registrar to visit their site and try to access if you do not know your login name and account, you will need to be in contact by phone or e-mail.

domain name registrant - Normally, the owner of the registrant. But who has the username and password registrar is effective in the control of the domain.

The registrant is the legal owner, but many companies know they are not too late registrantsYour domain name! It is often a former employee, or company web hosting and design have been hired to create website.

This allows the site owner in the cold, if you ever want to host or changes in design. Your first search see this information as the Registrar.

Domain name registrant contact information - contact the registrant must be kept updated on the website of the Registrar. If you registera domain name and then change your e-mail or ISP, you will never be informed that the domain has expired and you lose your domain.

Check whether the registrant contact information on the website of the registrar. This is the most domain names are lost. When the date approaches, seeks to inform the Registrar of the registrant. If no response, then lose it.

Domain Date - for obvious reasons, you should be aware of when your domain nameis set to expire. There are vultures perched on every branch waiting for the domain name has expired, then try to resell to its rightful owner at 20, 50 or even 100 or 1000 times the actual cost.

Domain "Locked State - New registrations of domain names are" confined "standard of the registrar. This means that no change can occur without an e-mail is sent to the Registrar. If you had your domain for a few years, the registrar can not have your blocked domain. Check this on your website registrant.

Of your provider - It 's hard to believe, but many companies face the loss of a key employee does not even know their website hosting. To determine your webhost, do the following "

1. Http: / / Use the settings to determine your "Server Name"

2. Visit DNS Stuff and use the search box in the "DNS Lookup" (select "NS" from the drop-down box) to find one of your Name> Server settings. Just type the domain name without the prefix before, usually NS.

3. This should change the name of the domain name server that you have. In many similar cases, but in some cases, a different domain name.

4. After the name server's domain name owners, go to that site to get information from their contacts.

FTP username and password of your domain - not only is it important to know the company that hosts thedomain, but you should also know their phone number, e-mail, and their website. However, to make changes to your site, you must know the FTP address, your FTP username and FTP password.

This information will be closely monitored, and should always be changed after each key employee or contractor leaves the job.

Domain Access Control Panel - This is given by your provider for convenience, and is where you should add or delete email addresses, mailinglists, FTP users, subdomains, or your current domain.

Full control over everything in your website starts here, and your username and password for the panel should be kept away, and distributed only on a "need to know" basis.

Statistics of visitors to the website - only the most antiquated web hosts are not free detailed report about site visitors. Surprisingly, many entrepreneurs do not even know exist, or have no idea of the wealth of knowledgein their possession. Contact your web host and find out where and how to access your site statistics and to give them a look.

Some definitions:

Domain - This is the URL or your "address" on the Internet.

Declarant - This is the owner of a domain name. Contrary to popular belief, this may not always be the contractor or the company using the domain name

Registrar - This is an online service for registering domain names. There are dozens,perhaps hundreds of agents to choose from, and prices range from $ 7 to $ 30 per year for each domain.

How devastated would you do if you lose your domain name and all your company email addresses? No month goes by that I came across another company that has caught with his pants down ... Do not be next!

Discover the answers to these ten items, compiles them into a spreadsheet and keep it safe for future reference. You never know when you need it.

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1 comment:

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