Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How DNS works - Secret Behind browsing web pages

DNS (Domain Name System or Server) to the proper functioning of websites in the Internet world. This is one of the largest databases on the Internet. Its main function is to translate the domain name entered in the browser to alpha numeric IP (Internet Protocol). This address is then understood by the computer. The IP address takes the format as where the number could be anything from 0 to 255.


Every website that we visit a different IP address and if it is decimal, it's never easy to capture in memory. Instead of numbers, it is easier for us to remember the words. It's DNS domain name entered in the form of images, along with IP addresses.

The server name is usually known, from where you host your site and based on the domain servers for different web host. The names of primary and secondaryfamiliarity with the help of DNS server.

Principle of DNS.

The two basic components of its DNS name server and resolver. As DNS is determined primarily by these two components and follows the methodology for the operation of DNS caching.

Name Server is further divided into two parts, "Name server belonging" and "your server name. While the purchase of the domain, including server name, which should beused by the domain, is important. This information is collected and sent to the server name the father. Once the name of the parent server replies back with the given names of the nameservers given to you and the rest is the solver function.

Resolver contains a complete list of name servers. You can Nameservers Reseller Option levels and have a new name server. This can be done either way from your domain zone. Target your "domain dot com" zone via Admin-level andadding records for IP addresses, and as subdomains, makes you ready to resolve the values. After this has been established in the same register as a nameserver.

Caching is a process very familiar term for the operation of the DNS. When a name server collects information about the allocation, the information is cached. All questions on the basis of auxiliary cache previous result using the same mapping, which certainly reduces search costs. TTL (Timeto Live) component of the life of cache caching definitely a piece of information.

An example of work.

Suppose you have decided to create a URL box in your browser and you should enter. Now, after allowing the treatment on the Web, the Internet and search for an address of the DNS server to resolve the format called alpha numeric IP address. If the URL is matched with your IP address, an IP address would come back soon. Now that this IP addressused by your browser to the page you are interested in tax

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